Discover more ways to diagram with D2
Official and community-made plugins for D2 to fit into your existing workflows. Can't find something? Let us know on Github. If you'd like to contribute to D2's ecosystem, we're happy to include it here with credit.

Official plugins

VSCode extensionSyntax highlight your D2 files on VSCode

VIM extensionThe Vim plugin for D2 files

Obsidian pluginCreate D2 diagrams directly in your Obsidian files

D2 app for SlackThe D2 app for Slack lets you create beautiful diagrams on the fly with a /d2 command
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Discord pluginKeep your projects moving by connecting D2 with Discord
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Atlassian Confluence pluginInclude D2 Studio diagrams in your Confluence pages for the whole team.
Open Marketplace
Community plugins
Tree-sitter grammarD2 grammar for tree-sitterBy pleshevskiy
Emacs major modeEmacs major mode for D2 diagramsBy andorsk
Goldmark extensionGoldmark extension for D2 diagramsBy FurqanSoftware
Telegram botA Telegram Bot which replies to messages with D2 diagramsBy meinside
Postgres importerCreate a D2 ERD Diagram from your existing PostgreSQL schemaBy zekenie
Structurizr to D2 exporterProvides a way to export Structurizr views to diagram definitions that are compatible with D2By goto1134
MdBook preprocessorD2 diagram generator plugin for MdBookBy danieleades
ROS2 D2 exporterExports ROS2 nodes (publishers, subscribers and services) into a D2 fileBy Greenroom-Robotics
D2 org-mode supportOrg-Babel support for evaluating D2 diagram scripting languageBy xcapaldi
Python D2 diagram builderA fully typed Python interface for building D2 diagramsBy MrBlenny
Clojure D2 transpilerFrom Clojure to D2, and back again!By judepayne
JavaScript to D2An unofficial interface for building D2 diagram files in Javascript.By Kreshnik
Maven pluginUnofficial D2lang Maven pluginBy andrinmeier
Confluence pluginMacro for embedding D2 diagrams in your Confluence pages.By andrinmeier
CIL to D2An unofficial converter for CIL(C#, Visual Basic, F#, C++ CLR) DLL's to D2By HugoVG
D2 SnippetsCollection of code snippets for D2 that can be used in any text editor that supports snippets.By Paracelsus-Rose
Mongo to D2Generate D2 diagrams from MongoDB schemas.By novuhq